Prabhakar Kasi iOS Developer, Front End Developer

Change your Mac Hostname, ComputerName, LocalHostName and DiskName via Terminal

55 sec read

If you own a new MacBook or Mac, your machine will usually have system’s serial number as it’s hostname, diskname and computer name.

MacBook Terminal HostName

You can change the hostname via terminal using two different commands:

Option 1 – hostname

This option didn’t work for me as the hostname was getting reset after restart. Am currently on macOS Monterey 12.6.1 although osxdaily article suggests it works after Mavericks update.

sudo hostname -s new_hostname

Verify the change using this command:

> new_hostname

Note: Until restart this option seems to work

Option 2 – HostName, ComputerName, LocalHostName

sudo scutil --set HostName "raptordotin"

Using scutil command we can update ComputerName and LocalHostName as well.

sudo scutil --set ComputerName "raptor's Macbook Pro"
sudo scutil --set LocalHostName "raptordotin-local"

Verify the change using this command:

scutil --get HostName
> raptordotin
scutil --get ComputerName
> raptor's Macbook Pro
scutil --get LocalHostName
> raptordotin-local

Close and open the terminal again to see the change.

Verifying HostName, ComputerName, LocalHostName changes in command line

Disk Name

Finally it would be nice to rename your diskname as well.

Use this diskutil to rename disk name

diskutil rename / raptordotin-SSD

You can achieve the same using “Disk Utility” App as well.

Verify the change using UI:

  1. Open finder to verify computer name and disk name
  2. Open Settings -> Systems Preference -> Sharing to verify computer name and localhost name


Prabhakar Kasi iOS Developer, Front End Developer

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